Sorry guys Ive been lazy, not enough pics to justify but a lot to talk about.
14/02/09 - Valentines day!..with no valentine.
So instead of moping I sweetalked Andrea into teaching me to snowboard. I borrowed Espens boots and Pirkas board.
Andrea was such an awesome teacher. Apparently I learnt really fast and after 3 or so runs could with a lot of effort get up by myself and steer the board down the hill. I was hooked. I guess it helps to learn if your being taught buy a cute instructor you might want to impress. I loved it, so much so I'm buying my own board now!!!
That afternoon there was a huge party and everyone got VERY wasted, particularly the singles it seemed :-p. I had to drag Dale out of the loo, he was thretening to beat me up, but seing as he couldnt stand I didnt take it seriously.
15-18/02/09 We have been frantically preparing for the Icebreaker party. Ash has spent 4 hours a day making decorations. His viking ship loooks awesome.

18-20/02/09- This week we are doing field work trying to observe aurora at the Kjarl Hendix observatory from 5pm until midnight every day. It really messes up your time cycle.
Unfortunately the weather these 3 days are cloudy and results in only 2 mins of aurora in over 21 hours of waiting. We basically

To stop us from going insane we were made to calibrate all the equipment which meant lots of twiddling knobs, turning off and on lights and going outside in the freezing cold roof and shivering to death while shining a light into a dome. Very educational but I hope its not a view of things to come as a scientist.
21/02/09 - Icebreaker party. Getting there as soon as I could after waking up I spent ages helping arranging the last touches to the party.
The party went amasingly. The decorations were unbelievibly good, it

I had an amasing time. Thank you so much Kristine, I just wish you didn't have to go back on Wednesday. xxx Story of my life!

24/02/09 Snowmobile! An awesome PHD student Jeff who suffered with us at the observatory has offered to give us his knackered snow scooter. He says its too expensive and old to get the shop to repair it but we can have it and try to fix it up ourselves. It sounds like a cracked engine block or piston shaft, which if we can get a replacement part quite cheep can be fixed with a lot of blood, sweat and tears. It should be a fun project before my new snowboard arrives!!