03/01/09- After recovering from a bout of dry mouth I went to try and purchase alcohol and more supplies from the Co-op. I found pout when there that I needed my boarding card as it is rationed and I had left it at the barracks! Oh well.
Later we decided to try and build a snow man. However the snow was so cold you cant do anything with it, its eighter ice or falls to pieces like dust, its crazy. So we decided to build an ice cave (see left) Its an ongoing project.
For all those guys out there who think Scandinavia is just full of beautiful blond athletic women...your damn right it is! ;-)

05/01/09- Started out safety courses. It consisted of a set of really boring talks by people who could speak or spell English that well with some gruesome images of injuries from frost bite and polar bear attacks with "blod" and "svelling".
Two reindeer were just outside the uni, as it was snowing I almost walked into one, well I was few meters away, I thought it was a rock before it started pooing! It gave me a bit of a fright. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me. Tomorrow we start the training proper and over the week learn glacier rescue and rifle training, first aid, skidoo driving etc.
Blod and svelling. Sounds nasty